Book-It will guarantee at least a 5% savings on your shipping and handling charges, plus greater savings opportunities through annual contracts.
Book-It provides a partnership with you to develop more macro budgetary solutions, rather than simply drop-shipping to your school’s doorstep and driving away.
Book-It is a one-stop transportation network that handles your complete order from ship date to delivery date.
Book-It provides the integrity and reliability of an established transportation company, while partnering one-on-one with staff affiliated with your school district.
In a typical scenario of real savings, this year we are in the process of purchasing a new text book order in the amount of $170,000.00 that equates to a typical $17,000 charge for shipping with the standard 10% add on from most if not all publishers. With Book-It or other players in the freight offset market (offsetting freight charges) this add on is cut to $8,500 @ 5% vs. the 10% charge. That is significant savings that can go back into the classroom as it allows the customer more purchase power.
I first came across the concept three years ago at a national conference in Seattle with a company called Academic Asset Management, Inc. While the experience yielded immediate savings, the office is out of Maryland and not accessible for face to face meetings... In other words, this was prior to any comparable service in New Jersey. All that has changed with Book-It Distribution as Josh Kalish, President and Chief Operating Officer is as local as local gets with monthly appearances at many of the County Roundtables.
If you are not one of the over 170 districts doing business with them today, you should consider reaching out explore this immediate savings.
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